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2017-10-16 12:00:33  来源:杭州爱智康

    杭州地区各校的期中诊断即将开始,各科目的学习方法各有差异,同学们要及时调整自己的学习状态。杭州爱智康的老师在考后会及时为大家整理2017年杭州采荷实验学校九年级英语期中诊断试题及答案 ,帮助大家查漏补缺。











Rock-paper-scissors is a game played all around the world. Ever since we were kids. we have relied on it to deal with disagreements with friends——from which channel to watch to who gets to eat the last ice Cream——all because we think the results are completely random.
  But are they?
  Wang Zhijian, PhD, a professor at Zhejiang Universitybelieves that there is a regulation behind this simple game. So he gathered 360 students, divided them into groups of six and had each group play 300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors, reported USA Today.
  After the first results, Wang thought he was wrong, because players chose each of the three moves about one-third of the time, suggesting that the game is random after all. However, Wang later noticed a surprising regulation of behavior in the data.
  When players won a round, they usually stuck to the same choice. But when they lostthey tended to change to a more powerful move. For example, if Player A had just thrown down scissors to beat Player B's paperPlayer A was more likely to throw down scissors again while Player B was likely to choose rocksince rock beats scissors.
   According to Wang, this might be a function that is called conditional response. So, for the next step of his study, as he told BBC, Wang plans to do some research about how human brains make quick decisions when competing.
  Now that you've learned how to predict the moves of your opponent, youll have an advantage next time you play rock-paper-scissors with your friends. But there is one problemmake sure they havent read about Wang's study, or your advantage will disappear.

Also, Wang pointed out that his predictions were made depending on the results of the prior round, so when it comes to the very first round, it is always a matter of chance. This means that if you and your friends want to decide something by only one round, the study wont be much help to you.
21. What does the underlined word  random in the first paragraph probably mean?
   A. Equal (平等的)   B. Amusing    C. Unpredictable    D. Strange
22. which of the following is TRUE about  Wang Zhijian and his study?

A. He found a new game theory called conditional response.

B. He asked 360 students to play a total of 300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors.

C. After studying the first several results, Wang discovered the pattern behind the game.

D. The study suggested that the traditional belief that rock-paper-scissors game is random  is wrong.

23.According to the study, if play A has just used rock to beat Player Bs scissors, then A is more likely to choose _____and B is more likely to choose_____.

A. rockpaper   B. rock: scissors   C. scissor; rock   D. paper; scissors
24. What will Wang study about rock-paper-scissors in the future, according to the article?
   A. The functions related to the game that are hard-wired into our brains. 

B. How human brains make quick decisions when competing in the game.
   C. The psychological behind the players who always win the game. 

D. How to improve players ability to predict opponents moves.




    期中诊断结束,杭州爱智康的老师会立刻发布2017年杭州采荷实验学校九年级英语期中诊断试题及答案 ,敬请关注。关于期中查漏补缺课程的相关问题,请点在线咨询或直接拨打免费咨询电话:4000-121-121!有专业的老师为您解答!




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