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2018-05-12 13:46:12  来源:网络整理





  篇一 : 中考英语记叙文范文:big floods

  Last summer,big floods occurred in both the south and north of China.They were the most serious ones in this century.They caused great loses.Fields were ruined,houses were washed away and many people became homeless.

  There are three reasons for the floods.First,it had kept raining for months.Secondly,many forests had been cut down and the soil was washed away.Finally,some lakes had been turned into fields,which seriously blocked the waterways.

  Now,some measures have been taken to prevent floods from happening again.The trees along the rivers have been protected;old dams have been rebuilt and some fields have been turned back into lakes again.


  篇二 : 中考英语记叙文范文:My Favorite Sport

  I like sports very much, such as running, skating, playing basketball. But swimming is my favorite sport .

  When I was six years old, my parents often took me to a swimming pool . They taught me how to swim. They told me not to be afraid of water , and told me to jump into water bravely. Later I became very interesting in swimming. Swimming is really very interesting .If you swim in the water, you will look like a lovely fish . Great fun. .I'm sure you will feel very happy. And the most important thing is , if you swim, you’ll be strong.

  By the way, I took part in the swimming match last week in our town.?I?was the winner. Dear friends, swimming is really very good for us. Let’s enjoy swimming .


  篇三 : 中考英语记叙文范文:How to Fight SARS

  SARS spreads easily among people. But we don’t have to be afraid of catching SARS.

  What should we do to fight it? First, we should stay at home and open the windows to keep the air fresh and clean. We should change clothes often , wash hands often. and do house cleaning often. Second, we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more

  exercise. At last,?we had better not go to crowed places.


  篇四 : 中考英语记叙文范文:探病(根据提示写短文)

  上周,Jim生病住院,我们去看他 ,他很高兴,他说他在那已呆了两天,他对这个月月底的诊断感到紧张。因为他很多课都没上,糟糕的天气也对他的情绪产生影响。我们叫他别紧张,我们可以轮流帮他学习功课,我们也会带些CD来让他听音乐。他很高兴。

  Jim is ill last week. We went to see him. He was very glad. He said he stayed there alone for two days. He was nervous about the test at the end of this month because he missed lots of lesssons. And the bad weather affected his feelings, too.?We asked him to take it easy because we could take turns to help him with his lessons. And we would bring some CDs to him so that he could listen to music. He was very pleased.


  以上就是小编为大家整理的2017年中考英语作文记叙文范文,同学们还有其他学习上的问题,可拨打爱智康课程免费咨询热线电话:4000-121-121 .那里有专业的老师为大家解答。

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