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2020-10-04 10:06:54  来源:网络整理






  阅读下列短文,从每小题 A,B,C,D中选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的较好答案。


  During the Second World War, Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minister. One day he had to go to the British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) to make an important speech to the nation.

  An hour before the time of this speech, he stopped a taxi in the street and asked the driver to take him to the BBC, but the taxi driver, who did not recognize him, said he could not take him anywhere just then, because he  wanted to go back to his home at the other end of London to hear Churchill make a speech on the radio. Churchill was so pleased when he heard this . Churchill answered that he gave the man a pound, which was worth quite a lot in those days.

  “All right, get in,” said the driver happily, opening the door of the taxi. “I’ll take you, and to hell with (让……见鬼去) Churchilland his speech!”


  1. During the Second World War, Winston Churchill was the _______.

  A. British Prime Minister   B. American Prime Minister

  C. Chinese Prime Minister  D. French Prime Minister

  2. An hour before the time of this speech, he stopped a ______ in the srteet and asked the ____ driver to take him to the _______.

  A. bus, VOA   B. taxi, BBC  C. taxi, VOA  D. bus BBC

  3. The taxi driver wanted to go back to his home _____ of London to hear Churchill make a speech _______.

  A. at the other end, on the radio  B. in the other end, in the radio

  C. on the other end, to the radio  D. at the other end, in the radio

  4. What do you think of the driver?

  A. He cared for Churchill more than for his speech

  B. He cared for Churchill’s speech more than for Churchill himself.

  C. He cared for Churchill and his speech more than for money.

  D. He cared for money most.

  5. Can you imagine Churchill’s expreeion after he heard the driver’s last word ?

  A. happy  B. Dumbfounded (目瞪口呆的)  C. surprised  D. worried



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