

课程咨询: 10108899

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2021-04-10 20:56:31  来源:网络整理







  ( )1. Hello! I'm ____ the radio.

  A. to B. at C. in D. on

  ( )2. It's a beautiful toy, ____?

  A. is it B. isn't it C. has it D. doesn't it

  ( )3. There ____ a football game tomorrow.

  A. will have B. will has C. will be D. is

  ( )4. The little dog is scared ____ thunder!

  A. with B. from C. for D. of

  ( )5. How does this weather make him ____?

  A. feels B. feel C. feeling D. to feel

  ( )6. This morning, when I walked by, I saw many children ____ in the park.

  A. played B. play C. playing D. to play

  ( )7. His uncle will come ____ about an hour.

  A. for B. at C. on D. in

  ( )8. The weather is hot, ____ the man is still wearing his coat.

  A. and B. but C. so D. in

  ( )9. People ____ any flowers until May.

  A. will see B. don't see C. won't see D. see

  ( )10. Next week, ____ the students will have a basketball game.

  A. may be B. may C. maybe D. can

  ( )11. Do you want to know ____?

  A. what does it need B. what it needs

  C. it needs it need D. what needs

  ( )12. The boy use sticks ____ a boat.

  A. make B. making C. to make D. makes

  ( )13. ____ to bring your homework tomorrow!

  A. Not forget B. Aren't forget C. No forget D. Don't forget


  ( )14. The furniture is ____ of wood.

  A. made B. make C. making D. to make

  ( )15. It's a pretty plant. We should ____.

  A. look up it B. look it up C. look at it D. look after it

  ( )16. But much of the world's water ____ from rivers and lakes.

  A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come

  ( )17. My bike is made in Shanghai.____.

  A. So your bike is B. Your bike is so

  C. So is your bike D. So your is bike

  ( )18. Have you ____ planted a seed?

  A. before B. yet C. now D. ever

  ( )19. ____ you like some markers?

  A. Are B. Does C. Would D. Can

  ( )20. I don't like these apples because they are ____.

  A. well B. fine C. good D. bad

  ( )21. He studies ____ to pass the exam.

  A. hard enough B. hardly enough

  C. enough hard D. enough hardly

  ( )22. I ____ my book everywhere.

  A. hunt B. hunted for C. hunted D. hunting for

  ( )23. We are going to have fun ____ English together.

  A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. learnt

  ( )24. That egg will be ____.

  A. going B. went C. gone D. goes

  ( )25. I will wait here ____ the concert is over.

  A. by B. when C. until D. as

  ( )26. One of the world's first ____ was in Egypt.

  A. zoo B. park C. zoos D. the parks

  ( )27. Egypt is a country in ____.

  A. Italy B. Germany C. China D. Africa

  ( )28. Egypt is famous for ____ pyramids.

  A. it's B. it C. its D. it is

  ( )29. When you meet some new words, you can ____ in your dictionary.

  A. look it up B. look up it C. look them up D. look up them

  ( )30. When he got ____,he took elephants, camels, lions and monkeys to his wedding.

  A. marry B. married C. marrying D. marries



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