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2021-08-23 08:22:12  来源:网络整理

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  October 1st is the National Day of China. The Chinese people under the leadership of the Chinese communist party, another, and achieved the great victory of the people's revolution. On October 1, 1949, in the capital Beijing tiananmen square held the founding ceremony, in thundering sound of the gun salutes, the central people's government chairman MAO zedong solemnly declared the founding of the People's Republic and rising with the first five-star red flag side. Gathered three hundred thousand military and civilian tiananmen square on the grand parade and parade. October 1st is China's National Day, why does this day as the National Day? The Chinese people after one hundred years of heroic fighting, under the leadership of CCP, and achieved the great victory of the people's revolution. In October 1, 1949 proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic, this is Chinese history one of the most great change. September 1949 the political consultative conference a meeting on October 1st as the National Day.


  "National Day" one word, this means the national festival, the first in the western jin dynasty. In the western jin dynasty writer lu ji in the five governors, such as theory, "a paper once a" National Day alone turns to the Lord, the sorrow mo and its harm "records, feudal era, the national festival event, great too of the emperor's reign, birthday (the qing dynasty says the emperor's birthday for viva section) and so on. Thus in ancient China acceded to the emperor, birthday called "National Day". Today said the country builds for the anniversary of National Day. In our country, especially the National Day of the People's Republic of China was founded formally on October 1,.


  October 1st is the National Day of China, in October 1940 a,, is China's first year National Day. At that time, people are very happy, because China from now on free, war has stopped. We are the winner! So this day every year, people celebrate rising national flag. In China's capital - Beijing, where many people to celebrate the National Day and pride. Everyone anomaly of excitement. Very angry.



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